- The mission of this web site would be to create a portfolio site that displays my work in a unique fashion
- The audience for this website would be everyone from potential employers, my friends and family, potential clients, and fellow designers.
- The content of this website would be all original work, some made specifically for the design of the site, and other original work displayed as a portfolio.
This would include my 3D art, (and the design process behind them), work completed in classes such as this one, and any other past or upcoming projects.
- I really want the design and style to be very creative and also very personal. As a 3D artist, I really want to create an immersive website that has my
style and skill embbeded in the site itself, not just in the portfolio content I share. I eventually want to experiment with three.js scripting to bring my website to life.
The actual layout itself I want to be fairly simple with easy navigation and a lot of depth.